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You must be 21 and over to view this site
Tasting flights, cocktails, and a relaxed and casual environment await you at Ewing Young Distillery. Reservations are needed for groups of 8 or more--text 503-799-6667.
Services and Hours - We are open Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 5 pm for cocktails and flights and intermittently during the week for bottle sales--text same-day to make sure we're around.
As a farm-based Distillery, we are not allowed to serve food. Feel free to bring your own picnic--many people do. Please let us supply the beverages. including non-alcoholic beverages. On event days when food trucks are here, we ask that you leave your picnic at home and support our local food truck vendors--thank you!
We are family--friendly are welcome! Seating is outdoors, covered and sheltered, with plenty of patio heating and a fire pit. But dress for the weather to make sure you stay comfortable.
Relax with friends and family on our open air, heated patio with a cocktail or flight of our ultra premium spirits, served in genuine Wee Glen Cairn glasses imported from Scotland, right here to Newberg. Bring your own picnic! We're family-friendly.
We have some great yard games to keep everyone entertained, including axe-throwing, cornhole, and numerous board games.
People always welcome a gift of fine spirits. Change it up from the usual bottle of wine with a fully customizable Cocktail Kit.
We love dogs. Our customers love dogs. Well-behaved dogs on leash are welcome.
Due to general busy-ness and competition for time, we are no longer doing regular History Walk and Talks. We will accommodate special requests when possible.
1859 Magazine has named us one of nine Destination Distilleries in the State of Oregon!
Ewing Young Distillery shares Ewing Young Farm™ with a private residence
and Oakhurst Equine, a busy equine vet practice and breeding and training facility.
1. For the safety of all visitors and animals, and to respect the privacy of the Oakhurst vets, their
clients, and farm residents, Distillery visitors must stay in the Distillery area unless on a guided tour.
Do not go past the green signs alongside the pond.
2. We welcome visitors on our tasting patio--all seating is outdoors.
Dress like you will be outdoors, but under cover. Wear boots. Bring a jacket.
We have some nice fluffy blankets to borrow, too.
3. We do not sell food. Feel free to bring your own picnic--many people do!
The only exception is on event days when food vendors are onsite.
Then we ask that you leave your picnic at home and support our local businesses.
4. Drive SLOWLY and be patient!
Horses, people, horse trailers, farm vehicles, and tractors have the right-of-way.
Sometimes we have to wait while they check or unload a horse.
Go straight all the way down the long entry driveway until it turns to gravel.
Turn right at the blue hay barn.
We are all the way at the end of the long red building.
Please do not park in front of (and block access to) the blue hay barn.
5. Drive SLOWLY when you leave, too! Thank you.
6. Sorry, but due to time constraints, we are no longer doing regular History Walk & Talk tours.
7. Visiting us is done at your own risk. WATCH YOUR STEP.
It's a working horse farm. Wear sturdy shoes that can get dirty and watch where you step.
The ground is uneven, there are yellow jackets and mosquitoes at times, numerous dogs live on site,
large gopher holes pepper the lawns, and it is muddy in spots.
Bug spray is advisable beginning at dusk in the summer.
8. DO NOT TOUCH THE STALLIONS. They are unpredictable and definitely will bite.
The stallion paddocks are located on the west (left) side of the driveway as you enter.
9. Please stay in the distillery area unless accompanied by a guide.
The distillery area is marked by the "No alcohol allowed beyond this point" signs.
Well-behaved dogs on leash are welcome.
Thanks for your cooperation.
The farm residents and the vet practice and their customers appreciate it. As do we.
10. Be forewarned, if your dog loves water, s/he will probably want a dip in the pond.
(Ours always do.) Might want to bring a towel.
And, of course, scoop their poop. We have poop bags.
11. As a farm-based distillery, we are not allowed to have a kitchen to serve real food.
Occasionally we have guest Food Trucks, and when we do, we ask that you patronize those vendors.
Otherwise, you are welcome to bring your own food and eat it in the Tasting area.
DoorDash delivers to us. Be sure to specify that you are at the Distillery, not the vet office or private residence.
12. We love groups! Call to arrange a day and time: 503-799-6667.
More information on our Private Events page.
13. The Ewing Young Distillery patio is wheelchair- and walker-friendly.
handicap parking is available. You can drive right up to the tasting patio.
14. By law, all horse properties are "enter at your own risk" because
horses are big, strong, fast, and at times, unpredictable.
Sometimes animals bite, sometimes they kick.
Don't try to pet the stallions or stick your fingers through fences.
Don't stand behind horses.
It happens rarely, but horses can get spooked and run lose.
Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.
15. YES, we are kid-friendly!
We love kids and they are welcome and must be supervised by someone 21+. Screaming is not allowed. Seriously. 🤩
Check out our Instagram feed @ewingyoungdistillery and Facebook page for updates:
We appreciate it so much when our customers leave us a nice review!
Your Facebook and Google reviews will show up right here on our website.
Ewing Young Distillery™ is a family-owned Oregon distillery located in the heart of Oregon wine country at Ewing Young Farm™, just 28 miles southwest of Portland, Oregon. and 5 miles west of downtown Newberg. We opened to the public on September 1, 2018.
Ewing Young Farm is a working thoroughbred farm that charms visitors with the natural beauty of its horses, barns, trees, pastures, roadways, and ponds. Another family business, Oakhurst Equine Veterinary Services, has operated on the Farm since 1996 and is well-known among horse breeders, owners, and enthusiasts.
We named our distillery for Ewing Young, Oregon's first distiller and the pioneer
buried at the Farm under the Ewing Young Oregon Heritage Oak.
Ewing Young truly is a larger-than-life figure of the American West.
Read more about him in “Learn About the Remarkable Adventurous Life of Ewing Young.”
We are open weekends with seating in our open air Tasting Patio right next to the Distillery, where you can taste and purchase Ewing Young spirits, play outdoor games, and enjoy the Farm’s scenery, especially the pond and the magnificent Ewing Young Oak™, an Oregon Heritage Tree.
Ewing Young is a Federally-registered trademark.
Please drive slowly and give the right-of-way to horse trailers, horses, people, and farm equipment when driving to and from the Distillery.
18715 NE Highway 240, Newberg, Oregon No smoking or vaping is allowed on Ewing Young Farm, with the exception of cigars in a specific area. Ewing Young Distillery is a wheelchair- and walker-friendly facility.
Today | Closed |
18715 NE Highway 240, Newberg, Oregon 97132
Ewing Young®, Ewing Young Distillery™, Ewing Young Spirits™, Ewing Young Farm™, Ewing Young Oak™, the E Young™ and Ewing Young™ signatures, American Pioneer Spirits™, American Pioneer Spirits at Ewing Young Farm™, and the American Pioneer Spirits bottle with wagon wheel image are trademarks of Oregon Brand Licensing LLC and are used under license to American Pioneer Spirits at Ewing Young Farm LLC and American Pioneer Spirits LLC.
Copyright © 2017 - 2025 American Pioneer Spirits at Ewing Young Farm LLC, American Pioneer Spirits LLC and Oregon Brand Licensing LLC - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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